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Provincial Grand Lodge Northern Division CALENDAR

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Posts about Division Events

Grand Master’s Cookie challenge a resounding success

Grand Master’s Cookie challenge a resounding success

Christmas is a time of celebration and love, of joy and of giving. Unfortunately, there are many less fortunate members of our society who do not have the privilege of loved ones to share this time with, or the means to give and in turn receive. With this in mind, our...

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Bro Abel Sisya raised in the presence of two GrandMasters!

Bro Abel Sisya raised in the presence of two GrandMasters!

On the 20th August, Bro Abel Sisya had the unique experience of being raised to the 3rd degree in the presence of two Grand Masters. The Grand Master of the Grand East of the Netherlands visited South Africa briefly while on route to Zimbabwe and made use of the...

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The afternoon before Mandela day, the brethren of Lodge Star of the Rand received a call from their Presiding Master, Wor Bro Leroyd Bergsteedt, to support the Forest Hill School Mandela Day project. The school had appealed to parents to bring a loaf of bread and...

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Burns Nicht Fundraiser in July

Burns Nicht Fundraiser in July

The Provincial Grand Lodge Northern Division held a very successful fundraiser after its AGM on behalf of the Alzheimers and Dementia Association (ADASA). The evening had. burns Nicht Theme in memory of Robbie Burns, that famous, or perhaps infamous, Poet and...

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Northern Division AGM Update 2023/2024

Northern Division AGM Update 2023/2024

A happy Provincial Grand Lodge team after a successful Northern Division AGM. The Provincial Grand Lodge Northern Division held a successful AGM at Freemasons Hall in Park Lane on Saturday the 13th of July followed a Burns night fundraiser at the Wanderes where a good...

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Lodge MW Pretorius Open Installation 14 October 2023

Lodge MW Pretorius Open Installation 14 October 2023

You are cordially invited to join us at the Lodge MW Pretorius Open Installation Ceremony, an event that promises to be a celebration of tradition, unity, and fellowship. We are delighted to extend this invitation to you as we mark a new chapter in our Masonic...

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