The afternoon before Mandela day, the brethren of Lodge Star of the Rand received a call from their Presiding Master, Wor Bro Leroyd Bergsteedt, to support the Forest Hill School Mandela Day project. The school had appealed to parents to bring a loaf of bread and peanut butter (or other suitable spread) so that the pupils of the school could make sandwiches as a project to teach them the importance of service. The sandwiches would then be donated to the Hotel Hope Orphanage.
Sadly the poor state of the economy prevailed and only a few loaves of bread and containers of spread were donated.
The Presiding Master, whose Granddaughter attends the school made a call to the brethren to assist, and in the spirit of Mandela Day, the brethren resolved to donate no less than 67 loaves of bread together with 67 containers of jam or peanut butter. In no time the brethren had donated sufficient for the Lodge to make the promised donation of 67 loaves of bread, 67 containers of peanut butter and jam, and with the extra cash donated, some fruit for distribution to the school the next day.
The next morning, Wor Bro Leroyd Bergsteedt took the donation to the school so that the pupils could set out to complete their part of the project, and, according to the school principal, every learner was able to be involved and make a sandwich for the less fortunate. To quote the Principal, the day was a success! The following photo is of Wor Bro Bergsteedt’s Grand Daughter posing with the loaves of bread donated by the Lodge, the photo has been published with consent from her guardian.
67 loaves of bread await the eager learners of Forest Hill School.
Once again the brethren of the Northern Division of the GLSA proved that charity begins at home and that very often an act of service needs only be a simple contribution to a very worthy cause! Well done Brethren!